Refund Policy


1.1 Cooling Off Period

Your registration to the onairbuddy membership subscription shall be voided if you advise us, in writing, within five (5) working days of signing up, that you no longer wish to receive our onairbuddy services by delivering or sending (including by electronic mail) a written cancellation notice to us (hereinafter referred to as "Cancellation Notice"). We will then refund to you all monies or part thereof which you have paid to us under this Agreement within thirty (30) business days from the date we have received such Cancellation Notice.

1.2 Cancellation

Easy Onair Sdn. Bhd. reserves all rights to cancel the Subscription Services for any reason whatsoever by written notice to you. You hereby agree that in the event the subscription services are cancelled by us, you are only entitled to a refund of the payment which you have paid to us free of any interest and that you shall not be entitled to claim against us for any other costs, expenses, losses, damages or liabilities which may be incurred or suffered by you as a result of such cancellation. You further agree that we shall have no further liability to you in respect of the cancellation.

1.3 Refunds

By signing up, you acknowledge that you shall not be entitled to and shall not claim a refund other than by strict compliance with Clauses 1.1 1.2, and 1.4 hereof.

You further acknowledge that any request for cancellation of the subscription services after the Cooling Off period as mentioned in Clause 1.1 above shall be subject to the sole discretion and approval of Easy Onair Sdn. Bhd. Should Easy Onair Sdn. Bhd. agree to the cancellation, you shall be charged a cancellation fee of fifteen percent (15%) of the total fee for the subscription services that you registered for. Cancellations is not allowed after you have started to use our services. 

1.4 Transferring of Subscription Account

In the event you are unable to use our services that paid for, you are eligible to transfer your account to a nominated new member, subject to written notification to us that includes the full contact details of the new member that you have nominated. This written notification shall be submitted to us at least fourteen (14) working days and an administration fee of RM200 shall apply.

Should you wish to transfer your subscription account to 3rd party, you are required to give written notice at least fourteen (14) working days before the new services take place, subject to approval by Easy Onair Sdn. Bhd.

If you have questions about our Refund Policy, feel free to drop us an email at